The Coronation of a young Queen
Coronation Day 1953 was a massive event in British public life and for the BBC – as ever, Radio Times was your essential guide…

One of the biggest days in British history was a long time coming. The 25-year-old Princess Elizabeth had acceded to the throne in February 1952, following the death of her father, King George VI.
She was Queen for more than a year before the detailed plans for her Coronation fell into place on Tuesday 2 June 1953: the ceremony itself in Westminster Abbey, the coach procession through central London, the public celebrations and street parties, as well as the BBC’s live TV broadcast that would reach homes not just in the UK but across the world.
The occasion saw an unprecedented surge in the sales and rentals of television sets, with more than 20 million Brits glued to their own or their neighbours’ screens.

Radio Times, of course, had it all covered. Now articles and beautiful illustrations from our 1953 Coronation Number have been reproduced in a new souvenir issue, Radio Times: Her Majesty The Queen – along with many other moments from the monarch’s 70-year reign and her lifetime on air. To buy your copy see below…
To order a copy of Radio Times: Her Majesty The Queen for £9.99 including p&p, call 03302 232 639* or click here